Adult Services
Adult/Senior programs will be posted on the library event calendar at https://mylakelibrary.evanced.info/signup/calendar.
Writing Your Memoirs—Call to check before coming to August.
monthly writer's group focused on memoir writing. 2nd Mondays at 1 pm.
Tech Talk—short computer class on a specific topic.
Lazy Crafts—Crafting doesn't have to be a struggle. Join the lazy craft movement. A simple craft will be provided. Ambitious crafters are welcome to bring their craft projects from home for show and tell.
Computer Basics—rotating series of classes for any adult who would like to learn. Topics include Internet Basics, Google/Gmail, Microsoft Office and more.
Umatilla Literary Society—if you love books and want to talk about them or if you wish you were motivated to read more this is for you. Read what you want and tell us about it. 2nd Fridays at 11 a.m.
Friends of the Library—join & support your local hometown library. 2nd Thursdays at 1 p.m