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Umatilla City-Wide Yard Sale

Friends of the Umatilla Public Library Annual Book Sale & Yard Sale Fundraiser.  Join Umatilla in the 23rd Annual City-Wide Yard Sale. Saturday, March 2, 2024 from 8 am - 1 pm. Registration Begins February 1.  352-669-3284 . Rent a spot at the library for $15 Donation. Donate $10 for Yard Sale Permit & Map Listing. Image contains a QR code to link to the website previously listed.
Find Yard Sales with our Digital Map: LINK WILL BE HERE
Buy a PRINTED MAP at the library for a suggested $1 donation.  Printed maps available Friday, 3/1/24 and Saturday 3/2/24.

The 23rd Annual Event will be March 2, 2024 from 8 am to 1 pm.

  • I don't have a yard. Can I rent space at the library?
    Yes. There will 30+ spaces at the library available for "vendors" to rent.
  • How Much Does It Cost to Rent a Space?
    Vendors: Need a space to sell? Outdoor space at the library available for rental. It’s your choice. DONATE a mere $15 to the Library *OR* pay $25 (plus $1.75 sales tax—total $26.75) to the City of Umatilla. If you donate $15 for a space we will gift you a space, kind of like a PBS tote bag. If you would rather pay $25 plus tax, that's OK too.
  • Where does the $15 rental donation go?
    All donations benefit the Umatilla Public Library. You keep the profits from your sale.
  • When Can I Get a Space?
    Spaces sell out quickly, so don't wait. Applications to sell as a vendor open on Saturday, 2/1/25 at 9 am, when the library opens. Application for Rental Space will be accepted from 2/1/25—2/28/25. Deadline is Friday, 2/28/25 by 4 pm. We will not accept more applications after the deadline.
  • What Are the Rules to be a Vendor?
    When you apply to be a vendor (rent a space at the library) you will sign an application to show that you understand and consent to the rules. · NO VENDOR PARKING IN SPACES OR LIBRARY PARKING LOT. Barricades will block traffic and flow for customer safety. This includes trailers. Your will need to park your trailer in the vendor parking area. · For public safety all vendor spaces are closed to vehicle loading and unloading between 8 am and 1 pm. · Vendor parking on grassy medians along N. Trowell Ave. · Friends Book Sale & Yard Sale Hours are 8 AM—1 PM. Bathrooms available inside the library during book sale. · Bring your own table/chair/tent/water/snacks. Any tents must be anchored or they will be removed. · Setup begins 6 AM. “Pack in Place” teardown no earlier than 12:30 PM. Cleanup begins at 1 PM. Complete teardown by 2 PM. · Vendors are to pick up all garbage in their spot by 2 PM. Remove all unsold merchandise by 2 PM. · City staff and volunteers, garbage bins, traffic cones, barricades and library bathrooms will no longer be available after 1 PM. · Sales of weapons, medications, illegal drugs, cigarettes, alcohol and similarly regulated merchandise are not permitted.
  • Where Will I Park as a Vendor?
    · Vendor parking on grassy medians along N. Trowell Ave. N. Trowel Ave. is located on the east side of the library's parking lot. · NO VENDOR PARKING IN SPACES OR LIBRARY PARKING LOT. Barricades will block traffic and flow for customer safety. This includes trailers. Your will need to park your trailer in the vendor parking area. There is one spot reserved for disability access. Please let us know if you need that spot.
  • Where are the bathrooms?
    Bathrooms will available inside the library during the book sale hours of 8 am - 1 pm.
  • Will the Library Provide a Table and Chair?
    · Bring your own table/chair/tent/water/snacks. The library will only provide a numbered and marked spot. Please bring your own table, chair, tent, water, snacks etc. It is often warm in March so think sunny. Hats and suncreen are recommended.
  • I am bringing a Tent. Do I need to anchor my tent?
    All tents must be anchored. Do not setup your tent without securing it with an anchor. As per the City of Umatilla.
  • Can I Pay with a Credit Card?
    Yes, you can pay with a credit card at the library. We will not accept credit card payments over the phone or by email. Please come to the library. We also accept checks and cash. Make checks out to the City of Umatilla.
  • Can I Choose My Own Spot?
    You may either let us choose a spot for you or you may pick a numbered spot from the vendor map. Your spot number will NOT be reserved until you have paid either a $15 donation or a $25 fee plus 7% sales tax. The easiest way is to come to the library and do it in person. All spots are approximately 300 sq ft. See this handy map: .
  • Can I Download the Application?
    Yes, here it is. Please note it is legal size. Print it return it with payment to the library. You may also pick up a copy at the library. APPLICATION COMING SOON
  • What Happens If You Run Out of Spots?
    Once all the spots are sold we will not accept any more vendors. We sold out very quickly last year, so if you want a spot please do not wait. Applications will be accepted beginning on Saturday, February 1, 2025 at 9 am at the library.
  • Can I Get a Bigger Spot?
    All spots are approximately 300 sq ft, although they have a variety of shapes. Also some have a tree in the lot. That will provide shade but may take up room. You are welcome to rent more than one spot. In fact, many people rent two spots if they have furniture or large items to sell.
  • How Are You Advertising the City Wide Yard Sale?
    We have posted on a variety of garage sale websites. The Friends have purchased ads in the North Lake Outpost Newspaper. You can help. Download and post this flyer at your place of business or in your community room: FLYER COMING SOOON Share this image on your social media pages and really spread the word. The more people come the more money we will all make! IMAGE COMING SOON
  • When & Where is the City Wide Yard Sale?
    The City Wide Yard Sale is held on the first Saturday of March from 8 am to 1 pm. In 2025 it will be on Saturday, March 1, 2025 from 8 am to 1 pm. Start your day at the Umatilla Public Library at 412 Hatfield Dr., Umatilla, FL 32784 to pick up a printed map and some treasures from the vendors on the lawn and at the Friends book sale. Call (352) 669-3284 for more information.
  • What is the City Wide Yard Sale?
    The Umatilla City Wide Yard Sale has been an annual event for over two decades. 2025 will be the 24th annual event. Residents in the City of Umatilla and the surrounding area will be hosting yard sales at home. Churches and local businesses will also be hosting yard sale, sidewalk sales and more. It is a premier destination for treasure seekers and bargain hunters!
  • Can I get a printed map for the yard sales?
    Printed maps will be available Fri., 2/28/25 at the library for a donation (to offset printing costs). Printed map borders are limited to the City of Umatilla and the immediate surrounding area. We will also be selling them (for a donation) outside during the sale. Look for teen volunteers holding maps.
  • Is there a Google Digital Map of the yard sales available?
    Digital Map: The Link Will Be Posted Here Because the printed maps are limited in size the digital maps are a great option if you want to find sales outside the city limits. Also, some residents miss the deadline to be on the printed map but are able to be added to the digital map.
  • Is the City Wide Yard Sale a fundraiser?
    Yes! The Umatilla City Wide Yard Sale is the annual fundraiser for the Umatilla Public Library. Those who are selling their items get to keep all their proceeds. Those hosting yard sales at home or at their organization donate $10 to be covered under the city-wide yard sale permit for the day and to get a sign for their yard, letting their customers know they support the library. Remember if you see the sign you know that they are supporting our fundraiser, so please say thank you. Funds are traditionally used to pay for the Summer Reading Program. The Friends of the Library are also hosting their annual book sale in the library. All of the monies they raise also support the library.
  • Will There Be a Map?
    Yes, we will have two kinds of maps. Printed Map: If your yard sale is within the City of Umatilla register with the library, for a $10 donation, and you will be listed on the printed map. Printed maps will be available Fri., 2/28/25 at the library for a donation (to offset printing costs). All donations benefit the library. Recommended donation is $1. The deadline to be included on the physical map is Wednesday, 2/26/25 by 5 pm. Maps will be printed on Thursday so we will not be able to update the printed map after that. Digital Map: All yard sales that register with the library, for a $10 donation, will be included on the digital map, no matter where they are. The digital map is a Google Map. LINK WILL BE HERE. Your customers will be able to use their smart phones to find your yard sale using Google. It's very convenient for most users. The digital map will be free for customers. The deadline to be included on the digital map is Friday, 2/28/25 at noon.
  • Am I Eligible to Host a Yard Sale?
    Umatilla City Council approved a resolution to waive the requirement for a yard sale permit for residents who are participating in this event. Generally, yard sale permits must be applied for but there are no fees involved. Whether you are a resident, a business or an organization, if your yard sale will be held within Umatilla city limits you should apply at the library. Come by the library, donate $10 and pick-up your yard sale sign. If you are not a city resident we still request that you donate the $10 and pick-up your yard sale sign. The sign will let everyone know you support the library and will fund our summer reading program. In addition your sale will be included on the digital Google map. If your yard sale is close enough to the boundaries of Umatilla we will also try to include it on the printed map.
  • What Are the Hours for a Yard Sale at My Place?
    The official hours for the City-Wide Yard Sale are from 8 am to 1 pm. We recommend you open your sale no later than 8 am so as not to miss the early birds. You can stay open later than 1 pm if you like because it is at your place.
  • How Do I Participate?
    1) Go to the library. 2) Fill out an application to host a yard sale at your home. 3) Donate $10. 4) Ask for a yard sale sign showing you support the library. 5) Do some Spring Cleaning. 6) Have Your Sale! Hopefully you will make a lot of money! Applications accepted from Saturday, 2/1/25— Wednesday, 2/26/25 by 5 pm
  • Can I Pay with a Credit Card?
    Yes, you can pay with a credit card at the library. We will not accept credit card payments over the phone or by email. Please come to the library. We also accept checks and cash. Make checks out to the City of Umatilla.
  • Can I Download the Application?
    Yes, here it is. You can print it out and take it to the library. We will have applications available at the library as well. APPLICATION COMING SOON
  • How Are You Advertising the City Wide Yard Sale?
    We have posted on a variety of garage sale websites. The Friends have purchased ads in the North Lake Outpost Newspaper. You can help. Download and post this flyer at your place of business or in your community room: FLYER COMING SOON Share this image on your social media pages and really spread the word. The more people come the more money we will all make! SOCIAL AD COMING SOON
  • When & Where is the Friends Book Sale?
    Traditionally the book sale is held at the same time as the City Wide Yard Sale. In 2025 it will be on Saturday, March 1 from 8 am to 1 pm. It is held in the Teen Room of the Umatilla Public Library at 412 Hatfield Dr., Umatilla, FL 32784. Call (352) 669-3284 for more information.
  • What is the Friends Book Sale?
    The Friends of the Umatilla Public Library are a 501c(3) charitable organization. They support the library in many ways, but especially with financial help. The Friends stock a "book shop" at the library which is open during library hours. As part of the Annual Fundraiser/City Wide Yard Sale they hold a massive book sale inside the library. All materials are sold for a donation. Donations support the Friends, which support the library. Traditionally funds raised pay for the Summer Reading Program.
  • What kinds of books will be available?
    The books available will be of a wide variety, and is different every year. Most books are donated. Almost all the books are used. There may also be DVDs, CDs, and records. Come and see what is on offer!
  • How Much Are the Books etc.?
    All the items are sold for a donation, so you are welcome to pay extra to help out the library! Prices are subject to change. Usually these are the asking prices: $1 - Hard Cover $1 - Large (Trade) Paperback $0.25 or 10 for $2 - Paperbacks $0.2.5 - Children's Books $1 - DVDs $1 - CD Audio Books $1 - Music CDs $1 - Puzzles make an offer - Vinyl Records
  • May I Donate Books for the Sale?
    Yes! Please bring your unwanted books to the library. Those that are useful for our collection we may choose to add to the library. The rest are given to the Friends for the book sale. Either way it really helps the library.
  • Who are the Friends?
    The Friends of the Umatilla Public Library is a 501c(3) charitable organization dedicated to supporting the Umatilla Public Library. They are known as the "Friends." Join the Friends as a Booster member for only $20.
  • May I Join the Friends?
    Join the Friends as a Booster for $10. Boosters are invited to special events.
  • Can I Pay with a Credit Card?
    Unfortunately, no. The Friends of the Library have no way to process a credit card. The Friends will accept checks or cash. Make checks out to the Friends of the Umatilla Public Library.
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